Deep Disentangled Semantic
Explorative Extreme
in ACCV 2020 (oral)
Super-resolution (SR) is by definition ill-posed. There are infinitely many plausible high-resolution variants for a given low-resolution natural image. Most of the current literature aims at a single deterministic solution of either high reconstruction fidelity or photo-realistic perceptual quality. In this work, we propose an explorative facial super-resolution framework, DeepSEE, for Deep disentangled Semantic Explorative Extreme super-resolution. To the best of our knowledge, DeepSEE is the first method to leverage semantic maps for explorative super-resolution. In particular, it provides control of the semantic regions, their disentangled appearance and it allows a broad range of image manipulations. We validate DeepSEE on faces, for up to 32x magnification and exploration of the space of super-resolution.
Our generator upscales low-resolution input (LR) conditioned on both a semantic layout and a style matrix. This allows to control the appearance, as well as the size and shape of each region in the semantic layout. By modifying these conditional inputs, DeepSEE can generate a multitude of potential solutions and explore the solution space.
Marcel Christoph Bühler, Andrés Romero, and Radu Timofte.
Deepsee: Deep disentangled semantic explorative extreme super-resolution.
In The 15th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2020.
We would like to thank the Hasler Foundation. In addition, this work was partly supported by the ETH Zürich Fund (OK), a Huawei Technologies Oy (Finland) project, an Amazon AWS and an NVIDIA grant.