Deep Disentangled Semantic
Explorative Extreme Super-Resolution

Marcel C. Bühler    Andrés Romero    Radu Timofte   

Computer Vision Lab, ETH Zurich   

in ACCV 2020 (oral)   

Paper | Supplementary material | GitHub | Youtube


Super-resolution (SR) is by definition ill-posed. There are infinitely many plausible high-resolution variants for a given low-resolution natural image. Most of the current literature aims at a single deterministic solution of either high reconstruction fidelity or photo-realistic perceptual quality. In this work, we propose an explorative facial super-resolution framework, DeepSEE, for Deep disentangled Semantic Explorative Extreme super-resolution. To the best of our knowledge, DeepSEE is the first method to leverage semantic maps for explorative super-resolution. In particular, it provides control of the semantic regions, their disentangled appearance and it allows a broad range of image manipulations. We validate DeepSEE on faces, for up to 32x magnification and exploration of the space of super-resolution.

paper thumbnail

Visual Results

Semantic Manipulations

Style Manipulations

Extreme Upscaling (32x)


Our generator upscales low-resolution input (LR) conditioned on both a semantic layout and a style matrix. This allows to control the appearance, as well as the size and shape of each region in the semantic layout. By modifying these conditional inputs, DeepSEE can generate a multitude of potential solutions and explore the solution space.

Code and Models

Please check out our GitHub repository.


Marcel Christoph Bühler, Andrés Romero, and Radu Timofte.
Deepsee: Deep disentangled semantic explorative extreme super-resolution.
In The 15th Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), 2020. Bibtex


We would like to thank the Hasler Foundation. In addition, this work was partly supported by the ETH Zürich Fund (OK), a Huawei Technologies Oy (Finland) project, an Amazon AWS and an NVIDIA grant.